To encapsulate my feelings of Venice would be impossible. Perhaps this discription from one of the must read books before any trip to Venice, Watermark (by Joseph Brodsky), helps in one sense:
A reflection cannot possibly care for a reflection. The city is narcissistc enough to turn your mind into an amalgam, unburdening it of its depths. With their similar effect on your purse, hotels and pensiones therefore feel very congenial. After a two-week stay—even at off-season rates—you become both broke and selfless, like a Buddhist monk.
This quote from the same text, however, gives another glimpse of the more wonderful feel of the city:
You fling the window open and the room is instantly flooded with this outer, pearl-laden haze, which is part damp oxygen, part coffee and prayers.
Despite its flaws, Venice in two quick days became one of my favorite destinations in the world. There is something wonderfully artistic, dark and oppressive all at the same time. It is though you stand at a precipice to another world in Venice, one that perhaps you don’t want to enter, but it exciting just to be there.
Photo Technical Info
- Aperture: ƒ/8
- Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Taken: 26 January, 2014
- Focal length: 16mm
- ISO: 100
- Location: 45° 25.8967′ 0″ N 12° 19.7337′ 0″ E
- Shutter speed: 1/25s
- Title: Sunrise on Ponte dell'Accademia, Venice, Italy
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