Merry Christmas!
I find today’s photo both amusing and sad, all at the same time. It was a cold and rainy morning and I had gotten up early to see the flag raising ceremony in Tienanmen Square. I unfortunately didn’t get up early enough. Lines were long and security was VERY tight. There were hoards of proud Chinese waiting to see the ceremonial raising of their countries flag, and despite hearing the Chinese National Anthem, I couldn’t see a thing behind the sea or people.
What struck me was the number of people with some sort of device to capture the event. I travel to capture things but I constantly remind myself to stop and experience the wonderful things around me. Too many people never look up, only seeing the world on a screen. I call it the Global Digital Pandemic. It seems to be effecting every culture and at an alarming rate.
My Christmas wish for all of you is to enjoy your time with your family. Focus on them, not a screen. Absolutely take photos, but don’t lose real emotion. That screen can be an emotional separator between you and the one’s you love. Try to stop ever so often and take it all in…life is the truest of blessings.
Photo Technical Info
- Aperture: ƒ/2.8
- Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Taken: 23 September, 2014
- Focal length: 35mm
- ISO: 3200
- Shutter speed: 1/60s
- Title: Global Digital Pandemic
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