Saint Mark’s Square Venice, Italy

Posted on April 10th, 2014 by

Up Early to Shoot in the Rain

It was a slow and steady rain my last day in Venice and since it was January, being both cold AND wet is not a prospect I usually look forward to. I also had an upper respiratory infection and looking back, I wonder how smart it was for me to be out in the cold Venetian air in the first place. When you take short trips, as I do, you have to make the most of what little you have. In my case I couldn’t let the rain or the cold or my cough or jet-lag stop me from getting the photos I wanted. I am trying to take this view of life as well…I could more easily stay home, be more comfortable, not get so sick so often, take fewer trips, but there are so many places I want to go and so much to see. Though it may cause me to shiver, I can’t imagine the slow cold rain stopping me.

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