The Library of the Park Hyatt Tokyo

Posted on November 25th, 2013 by

Lost in Translation

I love the film Lost in Translation with Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson. Part of the wonderfulness of the setting is that so much of it takes place at the Park Hyatt Tokyo. It truly is a special hotel that made my stay in Tokyo all the more punctuated. In many ways it was a microcosm of my feelings towards the city of Tokyo itself. I was constantly surprised by how gracious the Japanese people are and here I am not talking specifically about the hotel, but rather ordinary people on the street. Perhaps it was my ignorance of protocol, I take a when in doubt bow attitude which I think confused many people. Despite my constant barrage of flubs, everyone remained simply gracious.

The Library

When you go to a hotel they have a library…right? Of course, all hotels have a library! I knew about this feature of the hotel going in, but I recall being utterly surprised on hearing that in the space poor and constantly moving city of Tokyo, the Park Hyatt decided to dedicate a considerable amount of space to books. I was particularly fascinated with one tome that I passed every day entitled, Ces arbres qui font la France. C’est magnifique à Tokyo!